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What is art really about?

What is art really about?

“I feel at home here in this chaos. Chaos suggests images to me. I just love living in chaos because, after all what is art about? It is trying to make something out of the chaos of existence.”

– Francis Bacon

In our daily work at WDB Agency, we like to find important elements in the chaos creating beautiful pieces of digital art. We are at home in the chaos and making sense of it is our goal. We love to be challenged, creating and finding solutions for our client’s problems. There is a sense of pride and satisfaction when our work is recognized for excellence by our peers. This is one of those days.

Tonight, sometimes called the Oscars for all things digital, the Massachusetts Innovation and Technology Exchange (MITX) will be hosting the prestigious 21st Annual MITX Awards.

It is the largest annual awards competition in the country for digital marketing and technology innovation. It is a night where hundreds of New England’s best and brightest minds in the digital media, marketing, and technology industry converge to celebrate each other’s achievements.

Nominated for two “Best Web Design” awards for our clients Talamas and Rize 3D, we are hoping to come home with a few more awards this evening to add to our trophy shelf.

In the hands of a great artist, chaos becomes art. Tonight – we are all rooting for art. 

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