
10 Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2017

The internet is a constantly evolving medium, meaning that online marketing trends are constantly changing as well. To stay ahead of the game, great marketers must constantly keep up with these…

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10 Social Media Trends That Will Take Over In 2017

Social media is still in its prime, and social media marketing is showing no signs of losing its effectiveness. It is, however, an ever-changing medium, and keeping your business relevant…

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10 Web Design Trends That Will Take Over 2017

Company websites are a critical aspect of any marketing and promotional strategy. Websites are the essential tool when it comes to retaining existing customers and drawing in new ones. Businesses should continually…

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Recipe For An Awesome Lead-Generating Website

As technology has advanced, the world of marketing has changed. People used to rely on commercials, radio advertisements, or even the yellow pages to find what they are looking for.…

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Four Steps to Defining and Mapping the Customer Journey

In the age of the customer, converting visitors and prospective customers into loyal clients is essential for growing and sustaining a business. While a conversion may represent a sale, in…

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Meet Your Customer Of 2017 Trends and Statistics

Despite how easy it is to launch e-commerce website, scaling an online business remains extremely difficult even for the most seasoned ecommerce experts. Ecommerce sales are growing, but many retailers…

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8 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate and Increase Your Conversions

Bounce rate is something that every website owner must deal with since so many visitors have a tendency to view only one page before leaving. Yet visitors who view only the…

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Web Design Tools Every Designer Must Have

The world of web design and tools to build it never stands still. Technology keeps on advancing forward and standards keep on evolving. Every day there is a new stuff…

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Develop Creative Writing Skills and Tips to Improve Them

The ability to write clearly and with confidence can be a powerful tool in the marketing field, and one that is actively sought by potential employers. Unfortunately, creating original pieces…

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Competitive Analysis – How Do You Stack Up?

If you’re in the business world, you’ve probably heard of a “competitive analysis” and you probably also understood the basic meaning of what that would be - but there’s more…

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What is art really about?

“I feel at home here in this chaos. Chaos suggests images to me. I just love living in chaos because, after all what is art about? It is trying to…

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PPC vs. SEO: Which One is Better for Startups?

For a startup to be successful online, first and foremost, it is crucial to have their website built and optimized to generate sales from the get go. This is essential…

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Is Your Website Making a Good First Impression?

Good first impressions are everything. You've only got one chance to convince a visitor that lands on your website that you are professional, trustworthy, and worth their time. To make…

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The Rise of The Chatbots

Currently, we are smack dab in the “Age of Now” and it has given rise to a chatbot takeover. It is in full swing as chatbots are transforming the digital…

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What is retargeting and why you should use it?

It can be extremely difficult to get people online to visit your company’s or brand’s website. If you are lucky enough to get the right traffic to your website and…

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Twitter Basics For Business

Twitter. Maybe you are using the social media platform in your personal life or maybe you don’t and have no clue how to navigate and use it properly? Whatever the…

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Digital content strategy…Do you have one?

Do you have digital content? Great. Do you have a digital content strategy? To grow in the digital age, you need to rethink the underlying assumptions in five domains of strategy—customers, competition, data,…

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Social Media Spotlight Wachusett Brewing Company

When it comes to Social Media strategy, there is a bigger picture one should be focusing on with every post, reply, like, and comment. First and foremost - your social…

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Holiday Season Marketing Campaign Tips & Ideas for 2018

The Early Bird Gets the Worm Is it just me or does the Holiday Season start sooner and sooner every year? For marketers and business owners, this is one of…

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Anatomy of an Effective Marketing Message

When it comes to crafting a marketing message one of the biggest hurdles is knowing if it will resonate and be effective with your customers. How do you know if…

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